Timeshares can initially seem like an appealing vacation option, but circumstances change, and many owners find themselves needing to cancel their contracts. This article will guide you through the steps to cancel your timeshare contract, ensuring you are well-informed about your rights and options.


Cancelling a timeshare contract can be a complex process filled with legal and financial considerations. Whether due to rising maintenance fees, changes in personal circumstances, or dissatisfaction with the timeshare, understanding how to cancel your contract is crucial. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the process smoothly and effectively.

Key Topics

  1. Understanding Timeshare Contracts
  2. Reasons for Cancelling a Timeshare
  3. The Cooling-Off Period
  4. Steps to Cancel During the Cooling-Off Period
  5. Cancelling After the Cooling-Off Period
  6. Legal and Professional Assistance
  7. Preventing Future Timeshare Pitfalls

Understanding Timeshare Contracts

Before diving into the cancellation process, it’s important to understand the structure and terms of your timeshare contract. Timeshares typically fall into two categories:

  • Deeded Ownership: You own a portion of the property.
  • Right-to-Use: You have the right to use the property for a specified number of years.

Key Elements of a Timeshare Contract:

  • Ownership Details: Specifies whether you have deeded or right-to-use ownership.
  • Usage Rights: Details the specific weeks or points system for property use.
  • Maintenance Fees: Outlines annual fees for property upkeep.
  • Resale and Transfer Clauses: Terms under which you can sell or transfer your timeshare.
  • Cancellation Policies: Details regarding the rescission period and conditions for cancellation.

Reasons for Cancelling a Timeshare

Timeshare owners seek cancellation for various reasons, including:

  • Financial Strain: Rising maintenance fees or unexpected assessments.
  • Change in Personal Circumstances: Health issues, family changes, or lifestyle shifts.
  • Dissatisfaction: Poor property management, unmet expectations, or lack of use.

Understanding your specific reasons can help you determine the best approach for cancellation.

The Cooling-Off Period

Most timeshare contracts include a cooling-off period (rescission period), during which you can cancel the contract without penalty. This period typically ranges from 3 to 15 days, depending on state laws and contract terms.

Important Steps During the Cooling-Off Period:

  1. Verify the Duration: Check your contract and state laws to confirm the exact length of the cooling-off period.
  2. Prepare Your Cancellation Notice: Draft a clear and concise cancellation letter.
  3. Send the Notice: Dispatch the letter via certified mail to ensure proof of delivery.
  4. Keep Documentation: Retain copies of all correspondence and receipts for future reference.

Steps to Cancel During the Cooling-Off Period

Making steps to cancel your timeshare contract during the cooling off period is the best way to get ahead of the financial burden that awaits.

1. Review State Laws and Contract Terms

Ensure you understand the rescission period and any specific steps required by your state and contract.

2. Draft a Cancellation Letter

Include the following information in your letter:

  • Your full name and contact information
  • The name of the timeshare company
  • Date of purchase
  • Clear statement of intent to cancel the contract
  • Contract reference number

3. Send the Letter

Send the cancellation letter via certified mail with a return receipt requested. This provides proof that the timeshare company received your notice within the cooling-off period.

4. Follow Up

Contact the timeshare company to confirm receipt and processing of your cancellation request. Keep detailed records of all interactions.

Cancelling After the Cooling-Off Period

If the cooling-off period has expired, cancelling your timeshare contract can be more challenging but not impossible. Here are the steps to take:

1. Contact the Timeshare Company

Reach out to the company to discuss your desire to cancel. Some companies may offer deed-back programs or allow you to terminate the contract under certain conditions.

2. Explore Timeshare Resale Options

Consider selling your timeshare on the secondary market. Websites like RedWeek and Timeshare Users Group (TUG) provide platforms for resale. However, be cautious of scams and work with reputable buyers.

3. Seek Assistance

Hiring a timeshare cancellation company, or a timeshare attorney, can provide valuable legal advice and representation. Both can help you identify potential breaches of contract or misrepresentations that may justify cancellation.

If the timeshare company is uncooperative, consider seeking assistance from RFA Cancellation. We specialize in helping clients legally exit their timeshare contracts and terminate their ongoing obligations.

Legal and Professional Timeshare Cancellation Assistance

We can’t do it alone. Timeshare companies can make it quite difficult to navigate the intricacies of a legal cancellation, and having people in your corner to help you with the added pressure can improve your chances of a clean get-away.

Timeshare Exit Companies

Several companies specialize in assisting owners with timeshare cancellations. While these services can be effective, it’s crucial to research thoroughly and choose a reputable company.

Working with an Attorney

A timeshare attorney can provide personalized legal advice and representation. This option, though potentially costly, ensures that your case is handled with expertise and diligence.

Preventing Future Timeshare Pitfalls

To avoid future timeshare-related issues, consider the following:

Thoroughly Research Before Purchase

Understand the terms, costs, and obligations of any timeshare agreement before committing. Research the company’s reputation and read reviews from other owners.

Consider Alternative Vacation Options

Timeshares are not the only option for regular vacations. Explore alternatives such as vacation rentals, travel clubs, or fractional ownership.

Stay Informed About Your Rights

Keep abreast of state and federal regulations regarding timeshare sales and cancellations. Knowing your rights can protect you from unscrupulous practices.


Cancelling a timeshare contract requires a thorough understanding of your rights and a careful approach to the process. Whether you are within the cooling-off period or seeking cancellation afterwards, the steps outlined in this guide will help you navigate the complexities of timeshare cancellation effectively. By reviewing your contract, acting promptly, and seeking professional assistance when necessary, you can alleviate the burdens of unwanted timeshare ownership.

For expert advice and support in timeshare cancellation, visit RFA Cancellation. Equip yourself with the knowledge and professional help needed to make informed decisions and successfully cancel your timeshare contract.

By following the detailed steps and considerations outlined in this guide, timeshare owners can approach the cancellation process with confidence and clarity. Being informed and proactive ensures a smoother and more effective resolution to your timeshare concerns.

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