The Timeshare Cancellation Process

We keep it simple and make ourselves available to you.

How Timeshare Cancellation Works

Are you interested in canceling a timeshare contract? If so, you might be curious about how the process works. Every timeshare cancellation lawyer and cancellation service has a unique approach to the process. At RFA Cancellation, we have worked hard to hone our processes and procedures to offer the best possible experience for you. Canceling timeshare contracts is all we do, so you can rest assured that we have the depth of knowledge and experience you need on your side.

Probably the most common question we hear is “How do I cancel my timeshare?” Although we deal with each client on a highly personalized basis, here are the basic steps you can expect from the process.

Step 1: Free Consultation

We believe that knowledge is power and we understand that you have lots of questions. For that reason, we offer a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with one of our expert team members. Our Timeshare Exit Consultants take the time to listen to your story, and answer all of your questions. We provide you with the information you need to make the right decision for you.

Step 2: Documenting Your Case

A successful outcome depends largely on preparation, and that’s why we take the time to thoroughly document your case. Once you provide us with whatever documentation you have, we carefully review each item, to determine how it fits in with our timeshare cancellation process. In addition to your original timeshare contract, we will request copies of any correspondence you have with the timeshare company. Finally, we will request any other information or documentation you might have in your possession that is related to your timeshare.

Step 3: Case Proposal

After an exhaustive review of your case file, we will outline all the ways in which we believe we can assist you. This case proposal allows us to move forward in the pursuit of your timeshare cancellation. Please note that we sometimes are unable to accept a case but, rest assured, if we propose to move forward, we are confident that we can assist you in achieving your goals of timeshare contract cancellation.

Step 4: Opening Your Case

Once we move forward from the case proposal stage, you will have your own Client Services Team assigned to assist you. At this time, we will work closely with you to ensure that your case file is complete. We will also provide any information or answers that you need and outline the legal strategies that will be used to cancel your timeshare. We treat every case individually, ensuring that our approach is the right one to help you achieve your goals.

Step 5: Assembling the Team

Our success in helping you achieve your objectives depends on a team approach. When you work with us, you will have a team of experts working on your case from beginning to end. We are there for you whenever you need us, answering your questions and keeping you updated on the status of your case. We work hard to protect your legal rights and get you the outcome you deserve.

Are you ready to get started? If so, contact us now to schedule your free consultation.