Timeshare ownership can seem like a dream come true for those who love to travel. However, the financial burden of a timeshare mortgage can become overwhelming for some owners. If you find yourself in this situation, you’re not alone, and there are steps you can take to extricate yourself from this financial obligation. This article will guide you through the process of getting out of a timeshare mortgage, providing practical tips and detailed advice to help you navigate this complex situation.

Key Topics

  • Understanding the Timeshare Mortgage
  • Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Out of a Timeshare Mortgage
  • Tips for Avoiding Timeshare Scams

Understanding the Timeshare Mortgage

Before diving into the steps to get out of a timeshare mortgage, it’s important to understand what a timeshare mortgage is and how it works. A timeshare is a property with shared ownership, usually in a vacation destination, where owners buy the right to use the property for a specific period each year. A timeshare mortgage is a loan taken out to finance the purchase of this timeshare.

Timeshare mortgages often come with high-interest rates and long repayment terms. Additionally, timeshare properties can depreciate quickly, making them difficult to sell. Owners might also face annual maintenance fees and special assessments, adding to the financial strain.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Out of a Timeshare Mortgage

1. Review Your Contract and Financial Obligations

The first step in getting out of a timeshare mortgage is to thoroughly review your timeshare contract. Look for clauses related to cancellation, resale, or exit options. Pay close attention to any fees or penalties associated with ending your contract. Understanding your legal and financial obligations will help you make informed decisions.

2. Contact Your Timeshare Company

Reach out to your timeshare company or resort developer to discuss your situation. Some companies offer exit programs or deed-back options, allowing owners to return their timeshares under certain conditions. These programs can vary widely, so it’s essential to understand the terms and whether you qualify.

  • Pros: These programs can provide a straightforward way out without legal battles.
  • Cons: Not all timeshare companies offer these options, and there may be costs involved.

3. Seek Legal Advice

If your timeshare company is uncooperative or you encounter complex contractual issues, consulting with a lawyer specializing in timeshare law can be beneficial. A legal expert can help you understand your rights and options and may assist in negotiating an exit or cancellation.

  • Pros: Professional legal advice can provide clarity and support.
  • Cons: Legal services can be expensive, adding to your financial burden.

4. Explore Resale Options

Selling your timeshare on the resale market is another potential solution. However, the timeshare resale market is notoriously difficult. Here are some tips for navigating this process:

  • Use a Reputable Resale Company: Ensure you work with a licensed real estate broker or a company specializing in timeshare resales. Avoid companies that demand upfront fees, as these can be scams.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that you might have to sell your timeshare at a significant loss due to depreciation and market saturation.
  • Market Effectively: Use multiple platforms, including online marketplaces, to reach potential buyers.
  • Pros: Selling can provide a clean break from your timeshare obligations.
  • Cons: It can be challenging and time-consuming to find a buyer.

5. Rent Out Your Timeshare

If selling is not an immediate option, consider renting out your timeshare to cover mortgage payments and maintenance fees. Websites like Airbnb and VRBO can be useful platforms for this purpose. This approach can provide temporary financial relief while you explore other options.

  • Pros: Generates income to offset costs.
  • Cons: Renting requires effort in managing bookings and guests.

6. Timeshare Exit Companies

There are companies that specialize in helping owners exit their timeshare agreements. These timeshare exit companies often claim to have expertise in negotiating releases from timeshare contracts. When considering this option, keep the following in mind:

  • Research Thoroughly: Look for companies with positive reviews and a track record of successful exits.
  • Reputability: Some companies may operate under dubious practices.
  • Pros: Potentially provides a hassle-free exit solution.
  • Cons: Risk of scams and high costs.

7. Consider Voluntary Foreclosure or Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure

If all else fails and you’re unable to sell, rent, or negotiate an exit, you might consider voluntary foreclosure or a deed in lieu of foreclosure. This option involves giving the timeshare back to the lender to avoid the formal foreclosure process. While this can have a negative impact on your credit score, it may be preferable to remaining stuck with an unaffordable mortgage.

  • Pros: Ends your financial obligation.
  • Cons: Significantly impacts your credit score and may have tax implications.

Tips for Avoiding Timeshare Looking for Timeshare Mortgage Cancellation Scams

As you navigate the process of exiting your timeshare mortgage, be vigilant about potential scams. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

  • Track Record: A company with no track record of past successfully canceled timeshares.
  • Little To No Digital Footprint: Scam companies will try to appear as legit as they can, but giving a deeper look into there presence on other common social media platform and you typically can see if they are just putting up a front, or if they are the real deal.
  • High-Pressure Tactics: Avoid companies that pressure you into making quick decisions.


Getting out of a timeshare mortgage can be a daunting process, but it is possible with careful planning and the right approach. By reviewing your contract, exploring all available options, and seeking professional advice when necessary, you can find a solution that best suits your financial situation. Remember to stay vigilant against scams and to set realistic expectations throughout the process.

While timeshare ownership can initially seem like an attractive way to secure regular vacations, the financial reality can often be quite different. If you find yourself burdened by a timeshare mortgage, take proactive steps to address the situation. Whether you choose to negotiate with your timeshare company, seek legal assistance, sell, rent, or consider foreclosure, each option has its pros and cons. Carefully weigh these to determine the best path forward for your circumstances.

The key to successfully exiting a timeshare mortgage lies in understanding your rights, being aware of potential pitfalls, and taking action sooner rather than later. With persistence and the right strategy, you can alleviate the financial burden of a timeshare mortgage and regain control of your financial future.

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