Timeshares often seem like a great idea at first – the promise of a vacation home without the full cost of ownership. However, many owners find themselves regretting their purchase due to the high maintenance fees, restrictive schedules, and limited resale market. If you’re stuck in a timeshare contract and still owe money, it might feel like there’s no way out. This article will guide you through the steps you can take to cancel your timeshare contract, even if you’re still financially tied to it.

Key Topics

  • Understanding Your Timeshare Contract
  • The Rescission Period
  • Contacting the Timeshare Company
  • Selling Your Timeshare
  • Renting Out Your Timeshare
  • Timeshare Exit Companies
  • Avoiding Timeshare Scams

Understanding Your Timeshare Contract

The first step in getting out of a timeshare is understanding your contract. Timeshare contracts can be complex, with numerous clauses and conditions that bind you to the property. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Types of Timeshares: Fixed week, floating week, and points-based.
  • Financial Obligations: Maintenance fees, special assessments, and mortgage payments.
  • Cancellation Clauses: Some contracts may have specific provisions for cancellation or resale.

Thoroughly reviewing your contract will help you understand your obligations and the possible ways out. If you’re unsure, consider consulting with a legal expert who specializes in timeshare law.

The Rescission Period

The rescission period is a short window of time after signing your contract during which you can cancel it without penalty. This period varies by state and country but is typically between 3 to 14 days. If you’re within this period:

  • Act Quickly: Write a formal cancellation letter to the timeshare company.
  • Send Certified Mail: Ensure your cancellation request is received and documented.
  • Follow Instructions: Adhere to any specific instructions outlined in your contract for cancellation.

If you’re past the rescission period, don’t despair. There are still other options available to you.

Contacting the Timeshare Company

Once the rescission period has passed, your next step should be contacting the timeshare company directly. Some companies have programs or options for owners looking to exit their contracts. Here’s how to approach it:

  • Request a Deed Back Program: Some companies offer programs where you can return the timeshare to the company.
  • Negotiate: Explain your financial situation and see if the company will negotiate a buyout or release from the contract.
  • Hardship Programs: Some companies may have hardship programs for owners experiencing financial difficulties.

Be persistent and document all communications. This will be useful if you need to take legal action later.

Selling Your Timeshare

Selling your timeshare can be challenging due to the oversaturated market, but it’s an option worth exploring. Here are some tips:

  • Real Estate Agents: Find agents who specialize in timeshares.
  • Timeshare Resale Websites: List your property on sites like RedWeek, Timeshare Users Group (TUG), and eBay.
  • Price Realistically: Understand that you might not recoup your full investment.
  • Disclosure: Be honest about any remaining financial obligations attached to the timeshare.

Selling your timeshare may take time and effort, but it can be a viable way to end your ownership.

Interested in reading more about the resale market for timeshares?… “Top 6 Timeshare Resale Market Myths

Renting Out Your Timeshare

If selling isn’t feasible, renting out your timeshare can help cover some of the costs until you find a permanent solution. Here’s how to do it:

  • List on Rental Websites: Platforms like Airbnb, VRBO, and specific timeshare rental sites.
  • Set Competitive Rates: Research similar properties to price your rental competitively.
  • Market Effectively: Use high-quality photos and detailed descriptions to attract renters.
  • Screen Tenants: Ensure your renters are reliable to avoid additional headaches.

While this doesn’t remove you from the contract, it can alleviate the financial burden temporarily.

Timeshare Exit Companies

Timeshare exit companies specialize in helping owners get out of their contracts. However, this industry is rife with scams, so proceed with caution. Here’s what to consider:

  • Reputable Companies: Research thoroughly and check reviews.
  • Legal Assistance: Some companies work with lawyers to help facilitate the exit process.

Be wary of companies without a proven track record and reviews providing verifiable success stories.

Avoiding Timeshare Scams

When seeking a way out of your timeshare, it’s crucial to be aware of potential scams. Here are some red flags:

  • Lack of Transparency: Ensure the company provides detailed information about their process and fees.
  • Pressure Tactics: Don’t be rushed into making decisions. Take your time to research and verify.


Escaping a timeshare contract you still owe money on can be a complex and daunting process, but it is possible. Start by thoroughly understanding your contract and the options available to you, including rescission, negotiating with the timeshare company, selling, or renting out your timeshare. If necessary, seek the help of timeshare exit companies or legal professionals, but always remain vigilant against scams.

Timeshare cancellation isn’t easy, but with persistence and the right approach, you can find a solution that alleviates your financial burden and frees you from an unwanted obligation.

By following these steps and staying informed, you can successfully navigate the path to timeshare freedom.

Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash

Timeshare Reliefe

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