A timeshare can present a very attractive vacation option for many people. These properties offer a way to spend a week in an exotic location, allowing you to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Over time, however, many timeshare owners discover that this slice of paradise is less than ideal. Costly maintenance fees can become burdensome. Lack of flexibility and other factors affecting travel can also become a problem. Often, personal circumstances change, leading to a high level of dissatisfaction and the desire to cancel a timeshare contract.

If you have reached the point of needing out of your timeshare obligation, you must take great care in how you approach the situation. The expert team at RFA Cancellation has some tips for you, to help you get started.

Understanding Your Contract

The first step in exiting your timeshare is understanding your contract. Take the time to carefully read and familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your contract, especially any portions of the agreement that relate to contract cancellation. Most timeshare contracts offer a recission period, during which you can cancel the contract without any penalties. However, this period typically expires within a few days or weeks of signing the contract, depending on your location.

If you’re beyond this period, don’t worry. You still have other timeshare cancellation options available to you.

Negotiating with the Developer

Some timeshare developers may be willing to discuss an exit strategy, especially if you’re up-to-date with your maintenance fees. You can try approaching the resort’s developer with a well-prepared case, highlighting why you need to cancel your contract. Be sure to maintain a professional tone throughout your communications, and be prepared to negotiate your position.

If the developer offers a buy-back, trade-in or deed-back program, carefully review the terms before accepting. These offers might seem like a good way to get out of your contract. However, they can come with significant financial obligations that make them impractical for many people. This process can also take a number of months or even years to complete, during which you will continue to be financially liable for maintenance fees, assessments, etc.

Selling a Timeshare

Another potential option is to sell your timeshare. The primary problem with this approach is that timeshares typically depreciate in value. This could mean significant financial loss, as you are not likely to recover what you paid for the property originally.

Options for selling include hiring a real estate professional with experience in selling a timeshare, or listing your property on one of the online marketplace platforms that are available in your area.

In addition to the potential of losing money on your investment, you must beware of the many scams that proliferate in the marketplace. For example, never pay anyone any upfront fees to sell your property.

Renting a Timeshare

Some timeshare owners, after discovering that they can’t sell the property outright, consider renting the property to help offset the costs of ownership.

Before you consider renting the property – which you may be able to accomplish on vacation rental platforms – carefully review your contract documents. Some timeshares do not allow owners to rent out their properties, which would negate this as a viable option for you.

Donating a Timeshare

Another option you might want to consider is donating your timeshare to a charitable organization. Some organizations will accept this type of donation. However, you will have to have all maintenance fees and assessments paid up to date.

Finding an eligible charity can be challenging. Ensure that you carefully check out any potential organizations to ensure that your donation will be tax-deductible. The most significant downside to this option is that you won’t be able to recoup your investment, other than any potential tax offset.

Consulting a Professional

Before you endeavor to take any steps to get out of a timeshare contract, you will be best served by consulting with a professional. That could be a timeshare attorney or a qualified timeshare cancellation service such as RFA Cancellations.

Timeshare law is complex and potentially difficult to navigate alone. Having a team of qualified professionals on your side is the best way to determine which option is right for you. We take the time to listen to your story and learn about your needs and goals. We answer your questions and provide you with the answers and information you need to make informed decisions. We are there to help you and guide you to the best course of action.

Successfully getting out of a timeshare doesn’t have to be overwhelming, confusing or costly. Understanding your options and getting help from a professional can make the process as easy as possible.

Contact RFA Cancellations today to learn more about how we can help you with timeshare cancellation.